Live-Football-International Friendlies: August 11

International Friendlies: August 11 Albania - Uzbekistan,, Algeria - Gabon,, Angola - Uruguay,, Armenia - Iran,, Austria - Switzerland,, Azerbaijan - Kuwait,, China PR - Bahrain,, Cyprus - Andorra,, Czech Republic - Latvia,, Denmark - Germany,, Egypt - Burkina Faso,, England - Hungary,, Finland - Belgium,, Iceland - Liechtenstein,, Italy U21 - Denmark U21,, Kazakhstan - Oman,, Korea Republic - Nigeria,, Lithuania - Belarus,, Mali - Guinea,, Malta - FYR Macedonia,, Mexico - Spain,, Modolva - Georgia,, Montenegro - Northern Ireland,, Morocco - Equatorial Guinea,, Norway - France,, Panama - Venezuela,, Paraguay - Costa Rica,, Poland - Cameroon,, Republic of Ireland - Argentina,, Russia - Bulgaria,, Saudi Arabia - Togo,, Senegal - Cape Verde Islands,, Serbia - Greece,, Slovakia U21 - Croatia U21,, Slovenia - Australia,, South Africa - Ghana,, Sweden - Scotland,, Switzerland U21 - Greece U21,, Thailand - Singapore,, Trinidad and Tobago - Jamaica,, Turkey - Romania,, Ukraine U21 - Montenegro U21,, Ukraine - Netherlands,, Wales - Luxembourg,,

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Watch Italy Live FIFA Football at Ellis Park Johannesburg,South Africa

Marcello Lippi and Fabio Cannavaro have added motivation for Italy's final group game against Slovakia at the World Cup on Thursday.

Italy Live FIFA Football,South Africa
Slovakia brings it against Italy on June 24 at 4pm local time (2pm GMT, 11am EDT, 7am PDT) at Ellis Park